’Tis the Season of Rostering Hardship. Are you Ready to Face it?

Rostering during holiday season

The holiday season is just around the corner and many HR and Line Managers will face the nightmare of rostering their staff during the holidays. Dealing with Christmas and New Year holiday rush without having enough staff in your store or office can result in bad customer experience. Nobody would want to work over the holidays, but someone has to be there on duty especially for sales and customer care departments.

For businesses involved in the retail, hotel, and restaurant industries, understaffed shifts can lead to substandard level of service, to customers complaining and, in the most extreme outcome, a damaged reputation for the company or the brand. It’s the HR Manager’s job to ensure the trouble of working on a holiday is shared fairly among employees and avoid the mistake of assuming all employees will be celebrating Christmas and the holidays — some might not be, but everyone has to be treated equally.


A good roster plan (or employee shift schedule) ensures that each shift has enough employees to keep things running smoothly and efficiently. A great employee shift schedule also prevents disorganisation and waste of time.


What you need is a rostering software that integrates HR processes so ongoing absence can be easily spotted — as can patterns indicating when it might happen. With an integrated HR solution, you can see if people are frequently getting late to work or leaving early. It gives you the options to drill down and identify who is likely to cause a problem and how big that problem might be.


So if you’re still working out rosters on spreadsheets, make an attempt to look for a HR Software that would help overcome your difficulty in rostering. A Roster Management System lets you quickly and easily change shifts for a single or selected group of employees for a single or a range of days with just a few clicks. A comprehensive feature of the application will permit you to view overtime details for each employee, both pre and post shift. These applications will feature visibility of pre-approved hours as well as any Lieu Leave assigned against overtime worked. This will be the best way to keep your workforce powered during the holiday season.

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