Shift from managing HR in a spreadsheet to a software

HR Automation

Most businesses start managing their HR tasks with spreadsheets, which makes sense when you are a small business or startup. Spreadsheets can be used by anyone with the most popular being Excel, with its instant formulas and automatic calculations. Spreadsheets are amazing there is no disputing the fact. However, as a company grows and expands there is a definitely lack of structure that spreadsheet based HR management can create. HR software is a natural progression as a company grows because it streamlines HR management reflecting the development trajectory the company is on.

Better data management
Spreadsheets and physical documents are fine for small teams handling a smaller volume of data but as the data becomes more complex it becomes more difficult to manage via manual spreadsheets. Cloud HR or an automated systems simplify the process of tackling complex data making things easy not only for the HR personnel but for employees as well. Better management processes benefit an employee’s work environment and experience, which in turn reflects in their productivity for the company.
Increased security
An automated HR system keeps your company data safe with confidential data such as payroll information being kept secure by limiting access to only those authorised. A further level of security is introduced by granting permission to relevant personnel only, while a record is automatically generated each time the system is accessed. Being automated it lowers the chances of human error as it reduces the amount of manual work involved.
What to look for
One of the most important steps to moving from spreadsheets to software is of course deciding on which HR system to use. Talk with experts and narrow down your search to systems that encompass all the HR management solutions that your company needs. One centralised platform for the data creates a cohesive and efficient work environment. 

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