When work ramps up this holiday season!


End of the year and especially the month of December is a time we associate with the holidays and seasonal bustle. However, despite the reduced staff during the season, it does not mean that work comes to a standstill. Commitments and deadlines have to be met if business is to function. By allowing your employees to check their PTO balances and schedule their intended vacation dates early, everyone can skip the headache of endless rounds of emails and miscommunications. This is why an Employee Self Service Software is essential for a company, as it reduces a lot of the holiday planning stress from the picture.


The HR function that the software provides eases the leave management process and gives employees greater insight and accountability regarding scheduling their leave, not only for year end, but throughout the year as well. It streamlines the process and misunderstandings as both the company and the employees know early what the PTO schedules are and can organize and distribute the work load accordingly.


A Roster Management System is another essential tool for a company as it comes with advanced features that allows you to with ease, change shifts for a single person or selected groups, for a particular day or range of days. This way vacation rescheduling can be done with minimum hassle.


Having such HR features available, allows the company to handle the reduced staff with strength by ensuring that work is distributed early and to the relevant people. Employees can set their own deadlines to complete certain tasks and projects before their time off. It also ensures that employees who do work over the holiday season are not left with tasks to complete that are not within their normal job roles or scope.


It is important that in order to maintain the morale and rhythm of your company during this period, you recognize and appreciate employees that do deliver in a pinch. It will go a long way to ease the seasonal blues that some may be feeling having to work over the holidays.


With an employee self service software, you will be eliminating a lot of the stress caused by unscheduled PTO requests and overlapping vacation times. You can roster the leave schedule taking all things into consideration and in a way that does not affect the daily business functions of your company too much. Check out HR systems such as the Roster Management System today, to remove the pressure of PTO planning and put your company on the path to a productive holiday season.



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