Flexible working hours for the demanding labour market


If you are an employer, then chances are you hear the words ‘flexible working hours’ and shudder. That is because it is a concept that is still trying to find to be recognised and accepted as a viable form of employment. But, if you hope to keep your business growing and employ the new generation workforce, then you should adjust your thinking for a more long-term solution. One way to do this is to get an HR management platform that makes the process easier and efficient.


Incentive with a difference


The modern workforce is not all about the pay. Yes, they do expect to earn the correct amount for the work they put in, but alternately they are also more focused on finding balance in life. Whereas previously you may have been able to retain employees by increasing wages, things are not that simple now. Flexible working hours is a creative way of retaining employees and encouraging new recruits on board. The workforce of today appreciates having more time for personal matters and this is a good way of helping them keep that balance.


More productive


It may take time to adopt all the policies and such that goes into transitioning into a flexible-hours work environment. Afterall, all HR policies and laws are structured around set working hours. However, each company can take measures to introduce and adopt flexi working hours and create company HR policies that cater to such. Follow examples from countries such as Sweden that has a work environment that optimises flexible working hours brilliantly and have a workforce that is overall happier and more productive. Your company too can avoid employee burnout and enjoy greater productivity with a flexi working hours scheme.


Happy employees


Today, young professionals prefer more control over their careers and favour convenience when it comes to managing work and schedules. They are a tech-driven generation and work well on mobiles, tablets and laptops, while logging in remotely for them is not a problem. They can contribute professionally even when not physically present. If as a company, you hope to recruit a younger workforce to face the demands of global markets and to remain relevant, then you will have to adopt new measures that meet their requirements. Start the process by getting an HR management platform so that your company will be ready for the new generation workforce and global market demands.


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