Convenience of an AI Powered Chatbot in HR

AI Powered HR Chatbot
AI Powered HR Chatbot


Is your business ready for the millennium workforce? As more and more millennials enter employment, it is important to be ready to meet their expectation, in order to retain them and avoid a high turnover. Typically, they work best online and expect on-demand information. AI Chatbot is the way for businesses to streamline HR processes and increase resource productivity, while catering to a younger demographic. It is the future of the workplace, benefiting both employers and employees alike.


Empowering your workforce

It helps lighten up the repetitive work that sometimes stretches an HR department thin. For instance, when a new employee is hired, there are certain HR onboarding process that can be handled via an HR Chatbot. It can take on these duties without the need of a physical HR representative, which saves time as well. It is also beneficial for the new employee because it answers any questions about the company, processes and policies without delay and accurately. It quickens the learning and training process, helping a new employee settle in within a shorter period of time.


Innovative HR

Leave scheduling is a very important but time consuming HR function. When handled manually it takes a lot of man hours to ensure a smooth procedure. Through an HR Chatbot, employees can check their leave status and apply for leave, quickly and easily. It helps managers and team leads with pending leave approvals with easy to access scheduled leave data, for an efficient process.


More time

An automated process lessens the workload and stress on your staff. Especially when it comes to HR related work, where employees expect quick if not an instant response, it helps reduce delays. Quick responses and solutions create a more satisfied workforce, which in turn leads to a happier work environment. Not having to deal with basic repetitive HR queries, leaves the HR team free to engage in planning better HR strategies for the company, recruitment and talent management.


AI Chatbot for Sri Lanka

AiDA by CEMEX HRM has been developed to suit the dynamics of the increasing multi-generation workforce in Sri Lanka. It is simple to implement and use and caters to the millenniums who prefer to conduct most of their personal and professional lives via technology. AiDA is at the forefront of supporting small to medium scale businesses expand and thrive in the modern business market. The secret to AiDA’s success is her ability to learn and grow smarter based on user needs and feedback, ensuring her place as the intelligent Chatbot of choice for Sri Lankan businesses. Are you inspired to get an AI Chatbot for your HR? Let us know your thoughts.

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