Top tips to get your workforce to use employee self service tool

Employee Self Service HR Software

Employee self service software is the way forwards for a business to survive the modern
business environment. An automated self service HR system helps your business look after your employees while giving them a stronger voice in their career path and growth.

However with anything new, rolling it out will have its own challenges and growing pains. While
investing in the system is an effective way of making your HR department more efficient and
legally compliant it is important that your employees are made aware of its many benefits.
Change is hard to accept for some who may be used to the ways of manual record keeping.
They may not realise how they gain more control over managing their own data, with access to
update their own personal information, apply for holidays, check holiday allowances and log in
sick absences. All tasks they would normally have to depend on an HR person to update for

Communication, preparation and training

Be open and clear about the new system and its benefits. Ensure that everyone on the
workforce is updated equally and they understand clearly its purpose and how it works. Provide
everyone with training so that they do not feel overwhelmed once the system is introduced.

Create excitement

Explain the key reasons for an automated system and how it helps them personally and the
company as a whole to grow. Detail how it will help them be more engaged with the
management and have access to information while being in control of their personal information
and leave applications etc.

Test run

As with anything new, before firmly implementing the automated system, give your employees
time to test it out. Let them experiment and provide feedback regarding any concerns they may
have or suggested improvements. This will allow them to be more comfortable with the system
once it is implement fully.

Word of mouth

Look to those who adopt and adapt to the system quickly to encourage others. Any who are
hesitant may feel more comfortable talking to a colleague rather than approaching the
management level. Seeing fellow workers being enthusiastic about the system is an effective
way to overcome any fears that may linger regarding the change.

Be patient

Remember, change takes time. It will take time and effort for the system to be fully adopted by
everyone and there will be growing pains. But with patient encouragement everyone will soon
understand and appreciate the convenience, productivity and efficiency it brings to the

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