The war for talent – Skills shortage coming up?

New recruitment Interview

A growing concern amongst HR personnel is the approaching skill shortage that can lead to a war for talent amongst businesses. It is becoming harder and harder to find skilled personnel with many current factors such as a global pandemic, contributing to fewer candidates applying per job. This is why it has become so important the companies retain their existing workforce and this comes under the prerogative of the HR department. Performance management systems help maintain all pertinent records regarding employee performance and growth path within the company.

Avoiding missed opportunities

Unlike maintaining manual records HRM systems automate the process giving employees themselves a stronger voice in their career path. It ensures that everything is recorded accurately so that no misunderstandings or missed opportunities arise. A skills shortage exists when employers cannot fill vacancies with skilled personnel owing to reasons such as employment conditions and pay not reflecting the work done.


Retaining the backbone

Employees are the essential backbone for a business to cater to increased consumer demands. For a workplace to run efficiently it needs to adapt to changing market trends and technology. It also needs to ensure that it has the workforce strength to meet business demands properly, by ensuring that employers are provided with relevant training, a competitive pay check and respected with professional growth opportunities.


Company reputation

The modern employee is more than aware of their worth and expect to be compensated accurately. Owing to the hyper connectivity of today, if a business does not treat their employees well, it becomes common knowledge within a relatively short time. Once a place develops a bad name it becomes difficult to retain existing employees let alone encourage new talent to join.


Appreciating and respecting employees

An efficient and effective HR department will prevent such situations from arising by having in place proper mechanisms for inclusivity, promotions, training and other perks that help employees feel valued and appreciated. A central HR platform allows everyone to have an online meeting ground for open communication which is essential for the smooth functioning of a business. An employee that is respected and compensated will not feel the need to leave, which helps the organisation to continue functioning with a competent workforce and avoid the pitfalls of a possible skills shortage.

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