Is WFH here to stay?

Work from Home
Work from home or WFH is a term all of us became familiar with over the past 18 months or so, as the Covid-19 pandemic hit the world. It caused the world to go through a major reset as we all scrambled to adjust to a new way of functioning. Companies globally, had to reimagine the work environment in areas such as HR management and find solutions to embrace the new work experience. 


WFH or hybrid?

Hybrid work is the natural progression from WFH, a compromise between the two existing options, where employees enjoy a more agile, productive and flexible work environment. More and more companies are embracing this concept which is best solution so far for the current global situation. It offers employees the choice to work from home, avoid crowded commutes while also allowing them the freedom to meet in person for work, when the need arises.


Embrace the new

While vaccination drives are in progress, there is no definite timeline as to when the pandemic will be eradicated. Embracing the new reality is the best way for a business or company to continue succeed during these times. Making it easy for employees to work from home will help promote enthusiasm for their job. Put in place HR systems that are easy to manage remotely and convenient for all to access. Put in practices that work for the new work system as opposed to old practices. Fined alternate ways to measure productivity without simply being based on the time spent in office. 
Globally, we all absorbed momentous change quickly as we endeavoured to make sense of the situation and thrive and succeed during difficult circumstances. It is amazing how much resilience we showed collectively. We should be willing to continue with the positive changes that have come into our lives such as an agile and flexible work environment that removes some of the stress from our daily lives. 


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