Benefits of having a cloud based payroll especially during a lockdown


As lockdown continues and industries continue to work from home, for the first time since the global pandemic took over the world, the month end payroll has to be processed. To ensure their employees receive their salaries on time many of our customers are using our cloud based payroll system and enjoying the benefits.
How does the Cemex cloud payroll help?
Companies that only have payroll software at their premises are finding it difficult to access their offices and so organizing the monthly payrolls on time is proving to be a challenge. Our customers who enjoy the convenience of our cloud based payroll system do not depend on going to the office to handle the process. It can be processed and approved by HR personnel from any device, anywhere. This is perfect in the current context where employee worksites are spread across different areas as they access the system from their homes. 
Employees working from home during the current lockdown are coping through trying times and being paid right and on time will go a long way towards boosting company and personal morale. With the cloud payroll system pre-payroll crunch is eased and that, given the current work environment is a blessing. A straightforward and easy to navigate interface makes all the difference as it makes the task easier to complete, even when not physically in office. 


Further benefits of a cloud payroll system
Another undeniable plus is that many functions are automated so it basically eliminates the need for manual calculations, thereby reducing errors that could cause massive issues. As employees are working from home human error can cause havoc with a process such as payroll organizing so having a system that eliminates this helps keep everything smooth and efficient.


Your data is secure
You can enjoy peace of mind knowing that your data is secure. In fact, generally compared to on-premise data, cloud stored data is much safer as it is not vulnerable to natural disasters or the need for manual maintenance.
A cloud payroll system is not only ideal for the current lockdown situation but as a long term solution for the future as well. More and more businesses are moving away from limiting on-premise systems to a cloud system for the agility and convenience it provides. As we are not sure how the future of work life will pan out it is the correct time to take decisive action for the future by investing in a cloud payroll system. 

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