Everything you need to know about maintaining employee records

Employee records in one place


As employees are one of the most important resources of a company, it is important that all records regarding this valuable resource are kept up to date and organized. Maintaining records manually though is not only time consuming but can also lead to disorganization, even with the best of processes in place. HRM systems are the smart way to keep employee records with all necessary data in a central and safe location.



Saved time and space

HR software removes the need for filing cabinets, folders and binders. It also, more importantly, significantly reduces the man hours needed to maintain records, which provides the HR personnel with more time to focus on employee development and wellbeing, rather than the paperwork. A company that invests time and effort into staff wellbeing thrives. Automated record keeping reduces the chances of errors in the data management. 

Further, important details such as an employee’s recruitment process and hiring, essential records such as references, qualifications and personal details and at such time, the end of employment with the company, can all be stored in a compact manner, with easy access, for easy future reference. 


Easy transitions

A central and secure database with employee records ensures no data is ever lost. Sometimes with HR personnel changing, records can be lost or misplaced and the system of record keeping can vary. All of this adds to the confusion and of course to the loss of time and valuable data. HRM systems ensure that records are maintained to one method and in one location. No matter the HR employee, the transition of data is smooth with records maintained according to a single company standard.


Important records to keep

As an important resource it is vital to have conveniently accessible, up to date employee details. 


Attendance and leave records should be kept on a day to day basis. For promotions and trainings, a comprehensive timeline of an employee’s achievements, recommendations and abilities must be maintained, to ensure that no valuable employees are denied recognition and rewards.


Payrolls and tax records are one of the most important aspects, with much documentation needed per staff member. This is an essential part of HR work as records needs be done according to Government regulations. Having this automated and maintained in a singular location, removes a lot of the manual work of calculations, documentation and storage.


Hiring and termination records prove that all transactions were done according to a clear, fair and unbiased process, which will help counter any future issues, if they should arise. 


Using HRM systems remove a lot of the heavy manual work usually involved in record keeping. It provides a company with systematic, organized HR process that can be maintained to one company standard, even when employees change. If you haven’t already invested in HR software for your company, hopefully the above details will help convince you of the benefits of doing so.

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